What are the ranks and what can we do with different ranks | May 7, 2023
What are ranks
Ranks are just different groups with different permissions on the server. The higher your rank is, the more perms you will get.
You can get most ranks by filling out the form embeded below, but the other ranks are either paid-to-get or just not avaliable.
These are all the ranks:
[VISITOR] is the default rank for all players, which means you will get the [VISITOR] rank the moment you logged in to this server.
You have the following permissions being a [VISITOR]
- Access to "plot125"
- Access to "pack"
- Access to "theater"
- Access to "activities"
- Claim a plot in "plot125"
- Download your plot
- Get whitelisted on specific member's world
- Use Minecraft Color Codes in chat
- Use ChatEmojis
- WorldEdit
[BUILDER] is a applied rank, which means you will get the [BUILDER] rank by submitting an application.
[Apply for the rank]
You have the following permissions being a [BUILDER]
- Access to "plot125"
- Access to "plot250"
- Access to "theater"
- Access to "airport"
- Access to "activities"
- Access to "pack"
- Claim a plot in "plot125"
- Claim a plot in "plot250"
- Download your plot
- Get whitelisted on specific member's world
- Use Minecraft Color Codes in chat
- Use ChatEmojis
- Custom Nickname
- WorldEdit
[SPEACIALIST] is a applied rank, which means you will get the [SPEACIALIST] rank by submitting an application.
[Apply for the rank]
You have the following permissions being a [BUILDER]
- Access to "plot125"
- Access to "plot250"
Access to "plot500"
- Access to "theater"
- Access to "airport"
- Access to "activities"
- Access to "pack"
- Claim a plot in "plot125"
- Claim a plot in "plot250"
- Claim a plot in "plot500"
- Download your plot
- Create 1 personal world
- Get whitelisted on specific member's world
- Will be asked first to help create group builds
- Use Minecraft Color Codes in chat
- Use ChatEmojis
- Custom Nickname
- WorldEdit
[MEMBER] is a paid rank, which means you will get the [MEMBER] rank by donating to ItsDan1el on afdian.net.
You have the following permissions being a [MEMBER]
- Access to "plot125"
- Access to "plot250"
Access to "plot500"
- Access to "theater"
- Access to "airport"
- Access to "activities"
- Access to "pack"
- Claim a plot in "plot125"
- Claim a plot in "plot250"
- Claim a plot in "plot500"
- Download your plot
- Create 3 personal worlds
- Get whitelisted on specific member's world
- Access to Member-Only activities
- Get access to unpublic .schem files
- Use Minecraft Color Codes in chat
- Use ChatEmojis
- Use PlayerParticles
- Custom Nickname
- WorldEdit
[SUPER MEMBER] is a paid rank, which means you will get the [SUPER MEMBER] rank by donating to ItsDan1el on afdian.net.
You have the following permissions being a [SUPER MEMBER]
- Access to "plot125"
- Access to "plot250"
Access to "plot500"
- Access to "theater"
- Access to "airport"
- Access to "activities"
- Access to "pack"
- Claim a plot in "plot125"
- Claim a plot in "plot250"
- Claim a plot in "plot500"
- Download your plot
- Create 5 personal worlds
- Get whitelisted on specific member's world
- Access to Member-Only activities
- Get access to unpublic .schem files
- Get help from ItsDan1el and other Speacialists
- Use Minecraft Color Codes in chat
- Use PlayerParticles
- Use ChatEmojis
- Custom Nickname
- WorldEdit
[ADMIN] is a operator rank, you can't get it at the moment.
You have the following permissions being a [ADMIN]
[OWNER] is a operator rank, only ItsDan1el have it.
You have the following permissions being a [OWNOR]
[BILIBILI] is a speacil rank for all video makers on bilibili.com
[Apply for the rank]
You have the following permissions having [BILIBILI]
- Suffix: [BILIBILI]
- Access to "tutorials"
- Create 2 personal worlds (for recording)